Monday, March 23, 2009

Digital Humanities and Research Libraries

In a blog appearing in today's issue of The Chronicle Review, Stanley Katz, who directs the Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School, offers his views on the growing importance of research libraries to digital humanities:
. . . what I want to stress today is my sense that the crucial change required to make the digital humanities revolution work for scholars is the continued transformation of the research library, which I believe is the best site for collaborative interaction between scholars, library technologists, and communicator-publishers. The challenge is to work together across formal barriers to achieve our common goals — once we articulate them.
Katz will continue to develop his ideas on the topic in subsequent blog entries. Anyone interested in following his contributions to the Chronicle's blog Brainstorm can do so via an RSS feed. The Chronicle of Higher Education has a page of links to its RSS feeds including Brainstorm.

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